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Vatandaşlık Yasası Bilgilendirme Toplantısı

16 Haziran, 2014’de kabul edilen C-24 kanunu kapsamında, Kanada vatandaşlığı ile ilgili birçok değişiklikler yapıldı. Bu önemli değişikliklerin biz Kanada-Türk Toplumu için ne anlama geldiği konusunda bilgi edinmek için Turkish Society Canada 14 Ekim 2014, Salı akşamı, North York Civic Centre’da bir bilgilendirme etkinliği düzenledi. Kanada vatandaşı olmaya hak kazanmış bireylerimizi ve Kanada vatandaşı olmak için yeni başvuru yapacak olan toplum üyelerimizi yakından ilgilendiren bu etkinlikte, vatandaşlık işlemlerinden sorumlu Yargıç Lilian Ruth Klein, vatandaşlık ve yeni kanun hakkında katılımcılara bilgi verdi ve soruları yanıtladı.

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Yargıç Klein, yasanın onaylanmasına rağmen, maddelerin her biri için ilgili yönetmeliklerin hazırlanması, maddenin uygulama şekillerinin belirlenmesi vakit aldığından, tüm yasanın yürürlüğe girmesinin vakit alabileceğini, bu nedenle halen başvuru yapanların ve yürürlük tarihine kadar başvuru yapacakların eski kanuna göre değerlendirileceğini belirtti.

Aşağıda Yargıç Klein’in aktardığı bilgilerden önemli satırbaşlarını bulabilirsiniz:

Who is entitled to become a Canadian Citizen?

By Birth: Anyone who is born in Canada

By Naturalization: People who are born outside of Canada and become permanent residents (immigrants)

How can you get your citizenship?

– You have to reside in Canada for the required number of days preceding your application date, as set out in the Citizenship Act

– You have to fill out an application fully & accurately

– Pay a set fee

– Security  and  Criminal Check

– Pass a language test and knowledge test

The Knowledge test covers:

– The rights and responsibilities of a Canadian citizen;

– The Oath, the Constitution, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

– Canada’s government and political system;

– Canada’s social, economic, legal, military, cultural and political history;

– Canada’s geography

What is a Citizenship Judge ?

– Citizenship Judges are part of the Citizenship Commission.

– The Commission is an independent administrative Tribunal within the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

– Citizenship Judges are appointed by the Governor in Council (the Cabinet) on the recommendation of the Minister.

Role of the Citizenship Judge:

– To assess applicants to ensure they meet the residence requirements of the Citizenship Act and Regulations.

– To administer the Oath of Citizenship and stress the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship

– To promote citizenship by working with school boards, service clubs, multicultural groups and other community organizations.

– The decisions of Citizenship Judges can be appealed to the Federal Court of Canada by an applicant, or by the Minister of Citizenship  and Immigration.

Changes to the Citizenship Program:

Why were they necessary?

– It is expected that by 2015–2016, this change will bring the average processing time for citizenship applications down to under a year

– Reinforcing the Value of Canadian Citizenship

– Cracking Down on Citizenship Fraud

– Protecting and Promoting Canada’s Interests and Values

A Comparative View between old Act and new Act:

Old: Residence for three out of four years (1,095 days)

New: Requires physical presence for four years out of 6 years (1,460 days)


Old: No intention to reside

New: Introduces “intent to reside” provision


Old: Adult Applicants (18-54) must meet language &  knowledge requirements

New: Adult Applicants (14-64) must meet language &  knowledge requirements


Old: Applicant can meet knowledge with assistance of an interpreter

New: Applicant must meet knowledge requirement in English or French without an interpreter


Old: No requirement to file Income Tax

New: Requires adult  applicant to file applicant to file required under the Income Tax Act


Old: Fines and penalties for fraud are a maximum of $ 1,000 and /or one year in prison

New: Fines and penalties for fraud are a maximum of $ 100,000 and /or five years in prison


Old: Bars getting citizenship   from people with   from people with charges & convictions

New: Expand bar on getting citizenship to people with foreign criminal charges & convictions


Old: Time as a non-PR may be counted  towards residence for citizenship

New: Eliminates use of time spent in Canada as a non-PR


Old: No authority to revoke citizenship for acts against Canada’s national interest

New: Authority to revoke citizenship from dual citizens who were members of an armed force or an organization engaged in armed conflict with Canada

New: Citizenship  can be revoked from dual citizens who are convicted of terrorism, treason, & spying offences

Old: Adult $200 application fee

New: Adult $400 application fee