A City Transformed

A City Transformed

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Aga Khan Müzesi’nde Ömer Koç’un eski İstanbul fotoğrafları koleksiyonu ve Murat Germen’in bugünün kadrajından İstanbul fotoğraflarının sergilendiği 6 Şubat 2016’da başlayan “A City Transformed: Images of İstanbul Then and Now“ temalı sergiyle ilgili detaylı bilgiye aşağıdaki bağlantıdan ulaşabilirsiniz. Sergiyi 26 Haziran 2016 tarihine kadar ziyaret edebilirsiniz.


Dear Readers,

Aga Khan Museum is showing an “astonishing historical collection of the noted Turkish collector and art philanthropist Ömer Koç, and a selection of works by the renowned contemporary photographer Murat Germen. Albums, panoramas, and individual photographs from the 1850s to the early 1900s are combined with 21st-century views that seem almost futuristic in their rendering of scale and space. Immerse yourself in a living city whose history is as varied as the people who call it home.” This display, called “A City Transformed: Images of Istanbul Then and Now” will be on display between February 6th 2016 and June 26th 2016.
